Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Still single…

“You are STILL single!”, “Why your daughter is not married yet?”, “Is there a problem with her?”, “You can’t stay single, you have to get married”, this and many more exclamations/questions I have been hearing since long from each and every person around me. Surprise element in their voices and the big question mark on their faces still amuse me.

I am 35, single and happy. I think that is the problem with all the people around me including my family who is still trying to find me a suitable groom. While I am happy the way my life is going and don’t want any additional trouble (read husband) for me as I am not ready to share my life with anyone. I know, my married friends are going to get angry with this statement of mine and me sure that they would say “she doesn’t know what she is missing” (really, am i?) while some of them may empathize with me (especially the married ones trapped with wrong choices).

I am not averse to idea of marriage but there is no need to go out to full-fledged in search for that Mr. Right. As for me, there is nothing called Mr. Right that exists in this world. It is all about one person getting ready to adjust with the other irrespective of the differences. In my case, I have not met such a person so far and so, I am single and loving it.

But these days’, being single is like having committed punishable offence at least in the society where I live in; where girls are supposed to be getting married at the right age. It may not be surprising phenomenon for the elite society but it still is a taboo in middle class families. For parents getting their daughters married is the prime responsibility and this is prevalent even in the educated middle class families living in metros. So you are from rural area or from metro city, you have to get married. I don’t think it is anywhere different for the boys as well as I come across a lot of single, unmarried males.

So, here in my blog, I will write about being single, non-committed, never-been-in-relationship and other fundas of my life. Also, a lot of about the things, incidences that amuse me, surprise me or at times leave me speechless…yes, there has to be really something powerful to make me shut up!

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